Ah, PowerPoint. No doubt you’ve used it countless times before, including as many star-wipe transitions as possible to keep your audience entertained. Maybe you abandoned it a while ago and thought you’d try and impress with Prezi. Regardless, it’s no doubt become a struggle to find original ways to convey the information you need and keep it interesting.
So what do we do?
After all, some 30 million PowerPoint presentations are delivered a day. A day! If you’re hoping to create an exciting and engaging visual aid for an important presentation, it’s hard to stand out from the crowd.
Moreover, research from Harvard University shows it’s of little or no benefit. PowerPoint is dropping the ball when it comes to speaking to your colleagues or your clients.
Compared to something even as simple as an oral presentation, PowerPoint has been found to be less effective at imparting information and improving your brand image.
The solution? Video.
The science behind this
It’s basic science, humans are attracted to movement. Whether it be a passing car, a shooting star or a plane flying overhead, our attention is drawn to movement. Moving images are no different.
We process images 60,000 times faster than words which helps us better remember the content of the video. Viewers retain 95% of the message in a video compared to just 10% in written text. If you want to be memorable and make a lasting impression, video is the best way to do it.
Check out this video we made for RMIT’s Globalisation Project announcement. It’s way more interesting and engaging to watch this than to listen to a straight piece-to-camera (think, a keynote speaker) for the same amount of time.
Video is the complete communication package
In a video, you bundle together a professional presenter with a quality presentation and compact it into a highly shareable piece of multimedia. Complex messages can be condensed and clearly communicated through an appropriate mix of live-action video and animation.
Video gives your communication more ‘personality’, presenting your brand and your message with music, graphics and emotion in a way ‘boring’ communications can’t. You can generate empathy and emotional engagement better than other mediums, a promote genuine change.
What’s next?
Here at Creativa, we’ve helped countless companies, organisations and brands improve their internal and external communications. They say a picture tells a thousand words, and we like to think a video speaks millions!
Our team of videographers, scriptwriters, designers and animators are able to make custom videos that perfectly package your message in an engaging format. We have a suite of tools available and the know-how to choose which one is right for you. Get in touch!