Hey there,
Thanks for coming. We’re so glad you can make it.
If you’re reading this, you probably know us for our explainer videos. They’re great, aren’t they? We love converting large bodies of information into simple, memorable pieces of content – and we’ll keep delivering for as long as you like. This is our bread and butter.
But sometimes, a person desires jam. And over the years, we’ve gotten good at what we do, but we want to do better, be better. As a team we’ve realised we have the combined skill to take on truly unique projects, leverage new technologies, and deliver clear, memorable messages that move hearts and minds and make a difference in the world. That’s our jam.
That’s why we’ve changed our look and feel, so who we are on the outside matches who we are on the inside. Let’s talk about it.

Introducing our ‘new wave’ logo
Through the development stage, we were very interested in exploring bright colours, bold shapes, various mediums and typography. In developing this refreshed style, we felt the existing logo wasn’t quite right. The curves on the lettering didn’t fit with the other bold designs. After some development, we created a wave in the logo inspired by a wave in one of our developmental mock ups. This instantly felt more like us and fit into the branding we were developing – we affectionately dubbed it our ‘new wave’ logo. Our new logo better represents our creativity, flexibility, and, of course, the movement needed to make any kind of video engaging.

At the start of this brand refresh, our working group, made up of several members across the team, quickly recognised that we had not articulated our vision, nor our mission. This isn’t to mean we weren’t working towards a shared goal – but it did mean that we did not have the language to articulate what we wanted to do, and where we wanted to go. Through a series of workshops with the team, discussions with our leadership team, and debates amongst our own working group, we came to settle on our vision statement:
Our vision is to be the go-to studio for work that is both creative and innovative, and to provide solutions for clients that affect positive local and global change.
Our mission statement quickly followed, inspired by the ‘why’ we decided on during our team workshops – to make meaningful connections. This ‘why’ became the core of our mission statement:
Our mission is to create meaningful connections between brands and audiences with innovative digital content. We’re storytellers. And for every story, there’s a teller and a listener. We partner with our clients to tell the story, and we know how to engage the people who they want listening.
Our focus is on the connection between the brand and the audience – and we help our clients connect through video. All kinds of video, all kinds of clients, all kinds of connections.

What does this mean for you?
Well, we’re even more fun to be around. But also, we can do more for you. At Creativa, we’ve expanded our offerings to include augmented reality, 360, VR and immersive content. We’ve also developed new ways to use personalisation and interactivity to give your video an extra kick.
Bring us your projects – but – if you want to take full advantage of what we can do – bring us your problems. Get in touch for an open-ended chat about the comms challenges you have. With a suite of solutions at our fingertips, and a commitment to giving every client a bespoke result, we know we can help.
We want to be your partner, for keeps. We want to be your go-to for making meaningful connections with members, customers and the general public. We want to be your wing-person, your preferred bird, if you will. 🐦
Read more about the behind the scenes of our brand refresh journey here.