Assistive Technology for All (ATFA) is a campaign advocating for a national assistive technology program to meet the needs of people living with disability. Wait, don’t they get that through the NDIS? Probably not – and that’s exactly the misconception this video set out to address. At the time of this writing, only ten percent of people living with disability are part of the NDIS, and many are excluded. So, a sixty-second animation explaining the subtlety of government funding that would also serve as a rallying cry for change? Coming right up.
There’s a lot to say in this video, so part one of the process was whittling the information down to its barest essentials. Aren’t we dumbing it down? Not necessarily – when it comes these kinds of videos, less is usually more. This was absolutely true here. And, given the topic, diversity of the people it would need to represent and relate to, we recognised we’d need to show many kinds of disability on screen.
An extra, bonus note on accessibility: at Creativa, we love our work to be as accessible as possible. In this case, it would need to be doubly so, as it was directly relevant to individuals living with disability. If you’re hard of hearing or your eyesight isn’t so great – we made our creative choices with you in mind.
You’ll notice the video uses simple language along with easy, intuitive visual aids to help get its points across. As per our thoughts on accessibility, we used a white background and simple black lines, and made sure the animation, movement and voiceover was slow and steady.
The ATFA campaign is an initiative of Council on the Ageing (COTA) Victoria. COTA is the leading not-for-profit organisation representing the interests and rights of people aged 50+ in Victoria. This project was created in collaboration with Polio Australia and Spinal Life Australia. These organisations, along with multiple others, have joined forces to advocate for a single assistive technology program to meet the needs of people with disability who are excluded from the NDIS.