Animation of Cherry Hill Orchards

Case Study: Cherry Hill Orchards’ “Farm to Fork”
Agriculture Victoria


Agriculture Victoria and Cherry Hill Orchards joined forces to spotlight the farm-to-fork journey, highlighting traceability’s role in ensuring food authenticity and safety.

The Initiative

Animation Production worked with Creativa to create an animation based on Cherry Hill’s widely recognised illustration. Drawing inspiration from classic ‘oil on canvas’ genre paintings, the animation offered minimal character movements to maintain its traditional feel.

Consumer Engagement

The ‘Scan & Win’ game and competition were launched, turning viewers into active participants and promoting traceability.

Distribution and Impact

Distributed both nationally and internationally, the animation and game garnered significant attention, amplifying Cherry Hill Orchards’ brand visibility and boosting consumer awareness about food traceability.


Merging Cherry Hill Orchards’ traditional brand imagery with modern media tools, this initiative effectively spotlighted traceability’s importance in the food sector while enhancing brand recognition.

The collaboration between Agriculture Victoria, Cherry Hill Orchards, and Creativa epitomises the efficacy of merging traditional brand imagery with contemporary media tools. Their unified endeavour not only underscored the paramountcy of traceability in the food sector but also highlighted how strategic storytelling, coupled with consumer engagement tactics, can enhance public awareness and brand recognition simultaneously. Creativa found this partnership to be an exemplar of harmonious collaboration, highlighting the power of modern storytelling.


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